My Story
James Suen comes from a family of notable Chinese medicine practitioners in Hong Kong, in which the practice of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has passed from generation to generation for over one hundred years. He holds a degree in Chinese Medicine from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine(GZUCM) , which is one of the top ranking medical schools in the country and has produced some of the finest TCM graduates in the world. During his training, he studied tirelessly under the guidance of famous teachers and professors in order to achieve at the highest level. James’ passion for medical technology prompted him to take up an additional internship in the oncology department of the university where he had the opportunity to treat patients that were critically ill.Prior to relocating to Bath, James was a distinguished TCM practitioner in Hong Kong with more than 10 years experience and he has administered over 100,000 treatments. He excels in orthopaedic conditions, the improvement of blood and meridian circulation, and muscle and bone alignment. He also specialises in acupuncture, delving into the area of beauty with acupuncture. He is a strong advocate of Chinese medical practice.